



As soon as the tranquilizer hit Tedros, he spun around and shielded me with his body. I was more than surprised when he reacted that way. 


“You have to run as soon as I am done counting,” he muttered.


I guess he didn’t know what he was hit with. “Tedros?'' I could feel him fighting the tranquilizer. “It’s alright; they are my men.”


He glanced back to look at the men; they were staring back at him. Lucas, on the other hand, was staring at me, his expression asking if one tranquilizer was enough to hold down Tedros. 


“They have guns, Ducky.”


“Drop your guns,” I ordered, my voice rising. “He is a friend; don't attack him.” 


They all dropped their weapons with their gaze focused on me. Lucas's brows arched, and he stared at me like I had just said nonsense. His expression asked, When did I get to keep friends?


“See, they listened to me,” I told Tedros. “You can stop fighting the tranquilizer now.” 


I couldn't believe that he threw himself to cover me from their attacks. 


“It's even worse.” He muttered. “If I stop fighting it, you are going to take me to the doctor.” 


He sounded like a little kid. He was right; if he could pass out, I was going to send him off to the doctor. 


“I won't.” I lied to make him give in to it. “I won't take you to the doctor.” 


“I hope so.” 


With that, he slumped on my shoulder, unconscious. I caught him before he could fall, but I was unable to hold him because he weighed a lot. 


“A little help here,” I called out to Lucas. “Let's take him to the doctor.” 


Lucas nodded and helped me lift Tedros without any complaints, but I could tell that he had a lot to ask. 




I stood across from the doctor in the room as she checked the condition of Tedros. I stared at Tedros; his hair was still over his face, and he looked so calm when sleeping. 


He had been given a hospital gown to wear instead of the torn clothes he had made. 


His premature transformation must have been triggered by something. I couldn't help but wonder what he went through for the past three years. 


I pulled out my phone to call his family and tell them that their son had been found, but I figured that I would have to ask for his permission first. 


Perhaps he didn't want to be found.


Soon, the doctor was done checking him, and she gestured for me to follow her out of the room. There was a nurse in the ward with him, watching him in case he woke up and tried to flee. 


I glanced back at the ward as I followed the doctor out. A few minutes later, we were seated in her office, opposite each other.


“He is in a bad condition.” She informed me. 


Bad condition, my heart began racing at the mention of that. I was fully aware that there were several stages of premature transformation. 


It had seven stages, and the last stage was the worst of them. My group usually gets rid of them as soon as he finds them because they lose control of their bodies once they transform. 


It doesn't matter who was next to them when they transformed; the person was going to be as good as dead. 


Was Tedros at the last stage of premature transformation? If he was, I couldn't get rid of him. I can never do that.


“Ms. Campbell!” The doctor waved her hand in front of my face, making me jolt. 


“Yes?” I asked her. 


She stared at me in concern. “Are you alright?” 


I could tell that she had been speaking to me, but I wasn't paying attention. 


“Yes, I am.” 


“Who is he to you?” She asked. 


“What?” I asked, taken aback by her sudden question. 


“Is he that important?” 


I nodded. 


“You shouldn't be close to him, Ms. Campbell.” She said so, and I squeezed my hand tight, waiting for the worst. “I checked him, and he is at the last stage of premature transformation.” 


My fist tightened; she had just confirmed my fears. He was at the last stage, and I would have to choose to let him live or kill him.


“You have to make up your choice now, Ms. Campbell.” She began. “If you want, I could just inject the poison into his treatment, and he would die before anyone even noticed it.” 


“No!” I yelled at her suggestions. “You can't do that!” 


She arched her brows. “You have to do it; you know how dangerous it is for him to live. Even though you keep a close look on him, he might go on a rampage and kill you.” 


I knew she was right, but I couldn't bring myself to kill Tedros. I can't do that to him. 


“I understand; I will think about it,” I said, even though my heart was hurting at the thought of it. 


“Okay. If you need my help, you can text me. Besides, he does seem like he needs to wash up.”


“I know that,” I responded. “Can I get any pills that could suppress the transformation for a while?” I asked. I have heard about the pill from Lucas, and he said it was effective. 


She hesitated before sighing. She rose to her feet and walked to a shelf. She pulled out several bottles of the pills and packed them in a middle-sized box before handing them to me. 


“You might need more than this, but this is all I have for now.” She said, 


I took it from her. “Thank you.” 


“You can contact me if you need more later.” 


I nodded. “I will get going.” I left the office, hoping things would go well.


The next morning, I found Tedros growling at the nurse as I walked into his ward with breakfast. 


“I said I don't want to be at the hospital!” He growled. “Who brought me here?! Ducky promised not to bring me to the hospital, and what with these pipes?” He pulled all the pipes that were connected to his body and tossed them. “My wolf is enough to heal me!”


The nurse trembled; it looked like she was about to cry. I took a step forward. 

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