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“You…lied to me! You betrayed me! You assured me that everything will be fine! That everything is okay!” I sobbed on the floor, “You said that you can save me here!” I yelled to them in anger, “Yet you killed my baby!”

They were silent for a minute, as I bawled my eyes out on the floor, and i was screaming at the top of my lungs, there’s nothing that could compare to the pain i am feeling right now.

I had expressiend pain last time. When Mayhem and the man that I thought was my father got killed, I weeped.

But now i am grieving.

The past made me lose a part of my soul, but now, I felt like my whole soul was taken, ripped and torn into pieces, shredded and stomped all over by a dump truck.

I feel like i had nothing left inside me.

“We had to do it or else we could lose you, Arya.” Rem’s tone was calm, but I was never calm.

I turned to him, “Lose me? You don’t understand the grief I am feeling right now! You of all people encouraged me to keep my pup.”

Rem gritted his teeth, “You’d t
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