
Broken Heart and Suspicions


Claire took her time blindfolding Xavier.

Then, she put me, Alyssa, Herself, and Maisie in line. I wanted to refuse but that would've been suspicious, so I stood silently as Xavier started from Maisie. It didn't take him long to recognize her. I don't know how he did it, but I was in no place to question it.

Next was Claire and the moment he touched her face, her name escaped his lips. She smiled wide in triumph at being recognized so quickly. I felt another stab in my heart, along with a doubt. Maisie and Jacob wanted me to fight for Xavier but seeing him Claire, I didn't know how was I supposed to compete with their relationship.

They had known each other for the most part of their lives. How could the few months that I had would compare to all those years and memories that they had? But then, why did the thought of giving him up hurt so much? Why did I feel like I couldn't breathe if I wasn't around him? Why did I feel like strangling her perfect neck every time she
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