
Author Note: Still with you!

Hello everyone!

I know it's been a minute since I've updated on the things going on. It's probably been a little frustrating and I know the writing process on my end for this story has been a little frustrating as well. I promise you I am still working on this one!

I hit a bit of a wall and ended up throwing a number of chapters out the window. As I was going through that, I've been hit one after the other with health issues. The last of which I was out for two weeks with covid + pneumonia and landed myself in the ER. I was already in a compromised state but here we are. I'm slowly on the mend and even though I'm really not supposed to be working as much right now and just focusing on getting better, my love of writing and sharing with others has me continuing to work a little at a time.

I've also been going through some of my older stories and working on editing them as well. Just because for a few days it was easier to read than to even must the brain power to dig in deep and to write stories. I intend on going back through The Kings Alpha and while I don't think I will be making any serious changes to the storyline, I still want to help the characters find their way through this trial of their lives.

I hope everyone will have a good holiday month, no matter where you are or what you're celebrating. Enjoy time with your family and please be safe out there. <3


Comments (15)
goodnovel comment avatar
these books are also on GoodFM. We also have big problems here, they have made an extra book. The blind Luna (2 books are now called The Blind Luna) where they have added the King's Alpha as well. over 300 chapters. They don't open up any chapters in the latest book and we have to pay again.
goodnovel comment avatar
Helen Stewart
When will the chapters be unlocked? I read the stand alone and spent a lot of money to read the full book now have to unlock it again
goodnovel comment avatar
Angie Gibson
when is the epilogue?

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