
chapter 81

I woke to screaming and chaos. Snarls, growls, teeth, and fur. All around me was a battle that I was somehow in the middle of without warning.

A huge gray wolf bounded toward me and I rolled to the side, just as another wolf tackled my attacker.

Heart racing, mind spinning, I crawled away from the mess so I could figure out what was going on. This was not what anyone expected to wake up to. Wolves were attacking each other and honestly, I couldn’t tell which were my friends and which were foe. I had to shift. I should be able to feel my friends better in wolf form. It was the only option.

I called to my inner wolf, begging her to come to me. She rose up, but fell flat.I thought we worked through this. I need you.She didn’t respond. Of course she didn’t, but I didn’t even get an emotional response. This was not the time I needed her to fail me.Come on.I closed my eyes tight and tried to urge her to the forefront. It was futile, she wasn’t responding.Fuck. My eyes snapped open. If my wo
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