
Chapter 6


For the rest of the evening, I replayed Serena's words on a broken loop, hating how my chest tightened from the smallest idea.

Riftan may not want me, but that didn't change the fact that he was my mate. And that only made my heartbeat flutter at the thought of having him around.

After a few more minutes, I left the guest room clinging onto Chase's arm, my heartbeat thrumming in my ears.

"You need to relax." being the charming grace he was, he placed a hand on top of mine, halting the two of us.

"Your heart is beating like really loud." his brows lifted with the words, and I was taken aback by how handsome he actually was. Red hair, bushy brows, and lush lips. Add a diamond nose ring to the mix. He'd have any girl spread her legs wide open. Any girl but me.

“I'm a little nervous..." I confessed, and he responded with an understanding nod. I waited for something more but was responded with his body going rigid against mine. His eyes turned storm grey, making it seem like they had rolled into the back of his head as he received a message via the mind link.

I may have been born a werewolf, raised in a pack of one, but that shit was hella spooky. And there was no getting used to it. Like, ever!

After a brief second, the grey slowly morphed into normal brown orbs that stared down at me; accompanied with a tiny gentle killer smile.

"Come, everyone's waiting." he started to move, but I held my ground.


"Yes. Just a couple of elders and other higher-ups. Your brother is here too." I responded to his words with a curt nod, then swallowed down my nerves with saliva and took a step forward. We walked silently, his hand never leaving mine before stopping in front of giant white doors that were pushed open by two hunks that were standing guard.

No words needed to be said, but the two wolves were strong as fuck.

We walked passed them, noting the way their eyes remained on the floor the entire time. We came into a lavish white dining room with grey and silver accents and a dining table with twelve chairs around it. Each seat was occupied, except the one by Riftan's right, and the other two seats down his left. My brother was settled at the foot of the table, while Riftan took the throne chair. Clad in a black shirt and undoubtedly, a pair of black dress pants and shoes, he looked like a bloody Dark Lord. Like he owned the realms of everything that awakened during the night. Like he was made to sit in that chair and have everyone else at the foot of his throne.

Our gazes collided, and my heartbeat skyrocketed in a series of uneven rhythms that I was dead sure everyone could hear. Everyone else was looking our way- or I should say, my way, considering that Chase was not a mystery.

I was. And the way their eyes raked the length of my body made me feel like I was the lamb to the slaughter.

I shuddered, almost missing my step and making an embarrassment out of myself by planting face first. Chase's grip tightened, and I made a mental note to thank him later by baking him a nice ban of biscuits.

The walk seemed to be taking forever, and I hated how I was vaguely of the intense stare that brewed from the head of the table. The intensity of it my blood to flow downwards and in reverse.

And if this was the mate-bond effect; then I fucking hated it!

“Eden, welcome.” As though he was a demon sent to torment me, he suddenly stood up and held his hand out, like he was trying to reach for me. I looked at Chase, and he gave me a small nod before letting go of my arm. it was funny how he felt safer than my own mate. He may not know it, but that nod was the reassurance I needed.

On unsteady steps, I walked to where Riftan stood, utterly aware of everyone’s curious glares. it was as though they were waiting for a mistake. Or anything so they'd make it known that I was not, by any means, welcomed in their humble abode.

I stopped by his side, then watched as he moved to the back of the other seat, pulled it out, and had me seated.


Shock zapped through my stream at the sudden change in his demeanor. I mean, up until ten seconds ago, I was under the impression that my mate and soon-to-be Alpha had no intentions of keeping me here. And that thought was conjured by the way he behaved when he found out we were mates.

So for him to suddenly act all- “gentlemany” was everything fishy with salt on top!

He took his seat by my left, then cleared his throat to gain everyone’s attention.

“This is Kylek, my beta and second in command. To his left is his wife and the pack’s she-beta, Venice Rebus.” The duo bowed their heads in submission at the words of their Alpha, while my eyes gawked at them. Kylek had a wife?

“Next to her is Chase. You have been acquainted with him for a few times now. And that’s his current girlfriend, Grace Bentley.” He continued, and Chase snorted at the word “current”. I expected the girl to be offended by the title, but she seemed less fazed by being labeled “the current girlfriend”.

I nodded to them while they bowed their heads, mirroring Kylek and his wife's post.

“To her left is Mark Jacobs. He is Chase’s father and the previous gamma of Blood Moon Pack.” I gazed at the said man, and couldn’t help but gawk at the uncanny resemblance between him and Chase. It was as though I was looking at an older version of Playboy Chase.

The man nodded with a small acknowledging smile and the hot flare in me died a little.

“This side we have Kylie Hawk, my younger sister. Next to you are James and Catherine Rebus. They are Kylek’s parents and previous Beta and she-beta.”

The two also nodded.

“Everyone, let us raise our glasses to welcome our envoy from Crescent Island Pack.” Everyone did as commanded; took a flute of wine in front of them, and held it up at their alpha’s command.

“With me, we have Eden Noles. The soon-to-be Luna of Blood Moon Pack. And at the end of the table is the brother of my bride, and the current Alpha of Crescent Island Pack, Ethan Noles. ” He concluded his introduction with a brief statement that had my eyes flying to him.

Serena’s words came tumbling to my mind upon hearing them, and a flare of heat blossomed in my chest.

Maybe he was not going to reject me!

Maybe he was going to…

“Do you want to say anything to them?” His eyes met mine in a heated gaze once again, and I found myself burning underneath the hot stare.

I gulped audibly before looking at the people around me, the same people I was going to be so involved with. Then puffed up my chest before realizing a thin breath. I gave Riftan a small nod, and his brows furrowed before he leaned back into his seat, and then nodded to me.

So I commenced:

“Allow me to begin with thank you all, for the warm welcome and letting me dine with you. Most importantly, I would like to thank Alpha Hawk, for bringing us all together…” A scoff interrupted me, and my eyes flew two seats down the table where Kylie was sitting.

She glowered back with nothing but burning hatred in her eyes, and furrows deepened on my forehead.

I was sure everyone heard him, but none seemed to make a move against him, so I let it slide too.

“As I was saying, I’d like to thank our alpha for bringing us all together and letting me meet all of you lovely people. I know you have questions of your own, and I know you have heard rumors and all other things that may be said about Crescent Island Pack, but most importantly, me. All I can say to you all is that you will get your answers. With time. And I look forward to knowing each and every one of you.” I concluded my small spiel with a tiny smile, then eyed Riftan. He had a very unreadable expression, as though he was lost in thought or something.

“Well, you heard her. Things will progress with time. But right now, let’s eat.” He said, causing the room to fall into a clutter of murmurs.

The maids poured into the dining room one after the other, pushing carts of lavish gourmet then dawned them across the table.

Dinner was served; simple wedged potatoes with medium rare steak and green salads. Everyone seemed to be having the best time of their life while I was as frigid as stone.

And Ethan seemed to be blending with everyone well. I may be mistaken but he seemed to be vibing with the old beta and gamma more.

His answers were fluid, flowing with the conversation easily like he had had an eternity to prepare for this.

And me, I was a literal stone.

Riftan didn’t bother honoring with any kind of conversation. I felt stupid for even thinking that I was excited when he announced that I was his bride and soon-to-be his Luna.

And now I was battling with steak and tears.

“One other thing…” he called out, and the room quickly shushed to golden silence.

“The Luna ceremony will be held in a week’s time. I want all hands…”

“But it will be a Full Moon Faire. We can’t hold any other ceremony during the fair.” A soft voice contradicted, and my stomach dropped into a pit. Who had the guts to interrupt the Alpha?

I looked down to who spoke, then sighed when my eyes landed on Kylie.

Of course.

“I am well aware, thank you, Kylie. But we will hold the ceremony DURING the faire. I want all hands on deck, and no mistake is to be made. Venice?”

“Yes, alpha.” Kylek’s wife bowed her head in submission before squaring her shoulders and sitting up straight for her alpha’s commands.

“Send out the invites to everyone we’re involved with. Including the alpha’s council. Make sure that…” Another scowl from Kylie before the feet of her chair scraped against the floor.

“Excuse me” She left the room without a back glare, and no one seemed to pay her any attention. My gaze met Ethan’s gaze, and I could tell we shared the same thought,

Kylie Hawk was such a bitch!

“Make sure you plan the ceremony well.” Riftan finished his sentence, and Venice responded with another ‘yes alpha’ and a bow.

These people were painfully uptight. But what did I know?

“Good.” He said plainly before pushing off his chair. Befuddlement grew hot and uncomfortable in my chest at the thought of him abandoning his mate to chase after his spoiled sister, but then he stood by the side of my seat and held out his hand.

“A minute.” That was all he said.

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