
80| Dargak is next

Chapter 80…

"You take care of it." Red replied, and again started walking, but immediately, she stood up from the bed and walked towards him.

"What am I supposed to do with it?" Her question came, making him come to a halt.

When he stopped, he grunted, wondering why he was actually taking it slow and easy with her.

He could just end her as well and carry on whatever he wanted to his own.

But No, she would do a huge part, and she would be of huge help to him.

With that conclusion, he halted and made his eyes change back to its normal colour.

"I do the killing, and you do the cleaning." He replied to her, and turned to face her.

She scoffed.

"Forget it, I can see it in your eyes. You need me as much as I need you." She replied.

He wanted to burst out into laughter, but then she was right. He needed her real bad because her father held power.

But at the slightest opportunity he gets, and one his use for her comes to an end, he would ensure to pull out her lungs one by one and feed her t
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