
Another Lecture

"Excuse me. I’ll be back in a minute,” I say and get up from the table while they talk about something I don’t give a shit about.

I’d rather spend this time with Chelsea.

Her table is not really on the way to the bathrooms, but I walk past it anyway. Luckily, Chelsea looks up as I walk by and she finds my eyes.

She looks instantly terrified to see me, I just give her a pointed look and jerk my head, then I keep walking.

I know she’ll come to see me… but if she doesn't, I swear to god I'll go out and punch someone, probably Klein. It cannot be this hard to get someone to fuck. Not for me.

I lean against the wall to the bathrooms to wait for her.

"I'm here," I say when I see her walking like a deer in headlights. I grab her arm and pull her to the service room in front of the bathrooms so we can have more privacy.

She's still stunning, I realize. Even under the awful lighting in here. She cut her long blonde hair into a bob and that makes her look a little more mature, but I still
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