
Chapter 50


The howl echoes through the night, signaling an emergency meeting. My heart leaps into my throat as I rush to the gathering place, fearing the worst. What now?

I find the pack already assembled, tension thick in the air. Adam stands before them, his expression grim. Our eyes meet and I see my own worry reflected there. This can't be good.

"We come together again under grave circumstances." Adam's voice is steady but I detect the anger simmering beneath. "The filth who poisoned me remains at large. They caught us unprepared once - we will not make that mistake again."

Protests rise from some, arguing we should exercise caution rather than provocation. I want to agree but Adam is right; whoever did this must be dealt with before they strike once more. We got lucky; next time, the whole pack may be at risk.

I step forward, silencing the dissenters with a look. "Our priority is protecting this pack. Increase patrols, set traps and practice combat - effective immediately."

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