
Chapter 22- Piecing it Together

Salara’s POV

After seeing Derrick try so hard to hide his frustration from me over the mention of Henry, I decide to avoid mentioning anything about him while I finish relaying what I remember. Not that that will be easy considering I was with him all morning. At least I think I was. Closing my eyes, I allow my thoughts to drift back to Monday, starting with after we finished with breakfast and got in the car.

“It was a quiet car ride to the Evergreen pack.” My brows draw together as I attempt to piece together the broken pieces of my memory. Derrick continues to sit in his seat quietly, giving me the time I need to bring the memories to the surface and relay what I remember.

What the hell could have happened to me that would cause me to lose my memories like this?

I must have said that thought out loud without realizing it because Derrick’s voice breaks through my thoughts for the first time since I have started talking. “You were found beaten pretty badly Salara.” His solemn voice
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