
Chapter Three

Selena POV

"What are you doing on my bed?!!!”….

The angry voice of the Alpha jolted me awake. sending chills down my spine. I could see the rage and disgust burning in his eyes as he glared at me. I quickly got up to my feet, my heart pounding in my chest, and adjusted my disheveled dress.

"G-Good morning Alpha." I stammered, my voice trembling and I lowered my head afraid to meet his gaze.

"That doesn't answer my question. I asked What the hell are you doing on my bed!!!" he roared, his voice echoing through the room, filled with a mix of anger and disbelief.

"A-Al-Alpha I can explain." I stammered, my words stumbling over each other as he closed the distance between us, his imposing presence making me feel more insignificant.

He roughly grabbed my arm, his grip tight as he led the way out of the room. Each step down the stairs sent a jolt of pain through my body, I winced feeling the ache Intensifying at every pull. Without a care, he tossed me to the floor leaving me sprawled on the cold tiles.

My knees came in contact with the cold tiles hitting them hard, I winced in pain feeling the impact.

"You wretched slut from the slum", he roared, his voice dripping with disdain. "You think you could make your way to my heart by seducing me huh?"

Did he just accused me of seducing him? I never did such a thing!!

"Alpha it's not what you think."I tried to explain, tears streaming down my face.

Just then, Jojo and others came out from the kitchen upon hearing the commotion. The shock on Jojo's face was evident seeing me in that state.

"Selena dear, what happened? What have you done?" concern laced her voice as she approached me.

I couldn't utter a word; I just kept crying. How could I possibly explain how I ended up in the Alpha's bed? No one would believe me even if I told them the truth.

They would think that I couldn't accept his rejection which is why I resorted to seducing him.

"Jojo, ask her how she ended up sleeping on the same bed with me in my room," he demanded, causing everyone to gasp, their hands covering their mouths.

"S-Selena, is it true?" Jojo's voice quivered with disbelief as she shook me.

"Yes, Jojo" That was the only word I could manage to say as she staggered back staring at me in disbelief. I couldn't meet her gaze, I couldn't bear to see the disappointment in her eyes.

Just then, the grand doors of the mansion swung open. I looked up to see Ravenna walking in, making her way towards us.

"Oh no, our worst nightmare is back," Ember whispered in my head.

"What going on here? What has this slut stolen?" Ravenna inquired, standing beside the Alpha.

"Can you believe I woke up to see this slut on my bed?" He retorted.

"She did what ?" Ravenna asked in disbelief.

She moved closer to me, giving me a resounding slap across my face. I flinched as the pain hit me hard.

"You shameless bitch! what were you doing in bed with my husband? Oh!! So you couldn't accept the fact that he chose me over you…" she seethed.

"No Luna, it's not what you think." I tried to explain, only to be met with another slap from her.

"Luna please have mercy on her " Jojo pleaded, but got shunned by Ravenna with a cold glare.

"Gabriel I see no reason why she's still here, just fire this bitch." she declared, facing him.

The last thing I wanted to hear was the word 'Fired', it has always been a nightmare to me. It was through Jojo I got to work here in the mansion and it's been the only means sustaining my mother and me.

"Alpha please, I would accept any punishment but please don't fire me," I begged crawling towards the Alpha's feet.

"Get your filthy self away from my husband you bitch !" Ravenna spat, pushing me away.

"I never want to see you anywhere near me or this mansion, You're Fired!!" he roared, his eyes glowing red and a low growl rumbling beneath his words.

"Please Alpha, pardon me" I pleaded.

"You heard him bitch! You're fired !" Ravenna sneered.

"Jojo please, plead on my behalf, he will listen to you." I cried, crawling to her feet.

"Alpha please pardon her, this is the only job she has to sustain herself and her mother" Jojo who was already in tears pleaded.

"She should have thought before taking advantage of my drunken state" he retorted coldly.

“Hey you, go get her belongings from her room" Ravenna commanded, instructing one of the maids who had their head bowed in fear.

"Guards!! Guards!!" Ravenna called out

The door opened, and two guards rushed in.

"Throw this slut out of here and I never want to see her anywhere around this mansion" she ordered.

"Please Alpha, please Luna!!" I begged but was grabbed by the guards as they dragged me towards the entrance. Jojo attempted to follow but was stopped by Ravenna.

The guards pushed me out of the gate, and my belongings were thrown at me, I could see the sympathy in their eyes but they had no choice but to follow orders as they closed the gate.

"Alpha, please! Have mercy on me " I cried pounding on the gate, desperately hoping he would have a change of heart.

"Selena stop crying. I'm truly sorry. it's all my fault. I would have controlled myself if I had known it would result in this." Ember's voice resonated through my mind, filled with pain.

I ignored her. None of this would have happened if she had controlled herself. I sat on the pavement near the Alpha's gate. I couldn't come to terms with everything that has happened. My mind was a whirlwind of conflicting thoughts.

The thought of my mother flashed through my mind, how would I face her? How would she feel when she discovers I had ended up in the Alpha's bed? Would she also accuse me of seducing him too?

"Selena, please talk to me, you've been ignoring me." Ember pleaded, her voice filled with a soothing purr.

Taking a deep breath, I couldn't possibly stay angry with her forever. "It's okay, Ember," I finally replied.

"You can't just sit here all day, I suggest we go home" Ember suggested.

Yeah she’s right, there’s no hope for me left in the mansion.

I rose to my feet, wiped away the tears from my eyes, and gathered my belongings. Casting one look at the mansion, I made my way towards the main gate of the estate.

Lost in my thoughts on the way, I didn't notice a speeding car behind me. "Watch out, Selena!!" Ember's urgent voice echoed in my mind…

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