
Chapter 120


I laid down on the couch, my mind clouded with thought, Rachel deserved to know the truth about Athena but that wasn't a risk I was willing to take. Just as I lay on the couch, I sensed a shadow hovering above slowly. I opened my eyes, it was Rachel.

Rachel tiptoed out of the room giving the door a soft thud as she went out.

“Rachel” I muttered, my brows furrowed in curiosity wondering where Rachel could be sneaking up to at this time of the night.

“I have to find out where she is going,” I thought as I got up quietly following her. I didn't want the elders to know of Rachel's attempt to leave the palace at night, so I immediately sent words to all the guards to just let Rachel go wherever she was sighted, I was going to stop her myself.

I followed Rachel closely behind, the guards pretended not to notice her presence as she sneaked past them.

Rachel ran towards the last door of the palace, I had to end this little mischief before it was too late. With the speed of
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