
Chapter 3

The hideous howls echoed through the woods for the rest of the evening. I stayed indoors as the blood moon appeared on the pitch-black sky. The woods were closeby to my apartment. I kept pretending not to notice the wolves nearby and the night overall. I didn't want a mate. And I was sure of that but my wolf yearned for a touch - a touch that belonged to our mate.

I stood by my kitchen and watched the water boil. My phone started to ring and I picked it up.

"Hey, how are you?" Sarah asked. "Are you at work?"

"Nope and I'm good. What about you?"

"I'm good too. Do you have any plans for tonight? I feel like going clubbing but only if you're up for it!" she asked.

"Not tonight, hun. I can't leave my room,"


“It’s the blood moon.,remember!"

"Oh," She trailed off, sounding surprised. "I almost forgot. So, you haven't gone out the whole day?"

"No, I did go out in the morning but came back quickly. I have no intention of stepping out of my room,"

Cindy laughed, "But you might just find your mate,"

"I don't want him," I stated.

"Do you even know who he is?" she asked.

"I don't care. I have nothing to do with males wolves,"

"Alright, don't get your mind on a twist! Would you like me to come over?We can have some fun together and your night will pass by quickly." She suggested. It wasn't a bad idea.

"Sounds great But I have some cleaning to do I glanced at my room which looked like a mess. "How about by 10"

perfect! I will bring my pajamas,"

"I will see you then,"

After closing the call, I placed my phone aside and drank my coffee while sitting on the balcony. The howls continued to echo through the dark woods. My wolf instincts clawed from the inside. She wanted to go outside and hunt for my male but I couldn't allow that. It took me so long to control my desires and feelings. As a female wolf, my sexual desires were at the peak and I was in heat every now and then.

Any male, wolf or not, would be in between my legs if I hadn't controlled my desires. I was so difficult to work on

The coffee gave me a morning rush. The weather was calm with occasional strong breezes. I stepped out from the balcony and back into my room. There was a lot of cleaning to do before Cindy could come.

I had several hours in my hand but instead of cleaning, I decided to walk out of my apartment and into my Jeep.

Fuck. I groaned as the woods came in front of me.

What was I doing? This was totally not my idea on how to spend my night. My bare feet were pressed against the solid roads as I began undressing in the middle of nowhere. It was better to leave my clothes than to rip them off since I was going to shift anyway. A chilling breeze gripped my bare body as the last piece of clothing came off me.

I folded my clothes and placed them inside my Jeep.

After getting naked, I grabbed the package of herbs that were delivered to me a few months ago. These herbs came directly from Atlanta they were made by a witch and they were used to hide a scent of a werewolf. I never found the urge to use them until now. They were quite expensive to get. I piled up the herbs in a small circle and chugged it down with warm water.

If there was any chance that my mate was inside the woods with the other wolves, then he couldn't know who I was. At the end of the day, it would be my decision if I wanted to be with my mate or not. He couldn't decide my fate

-only I could.

My bones elongated and snapped as I shifted into a werewolf. Canines purged out of my mouth and hair covered my feminine body. My skin ruptured, causing extreme pain. The transformation was always dangerous and painful but I was used to it all.

My heart thundered against my chest as I fell on the ground with a thud. The transformation was completed. With a snap, I sprinted into the dark woods again, leaving my things behind in my Jeep. It was on the other end of the woods, where humans resided so other wolves could never figure out who the Jeep belonged to.

Dirt covered my body as I continued to slash through the air. It was just a few minutes till I merged within the wolves.

The scent of a lone wolf was vile and unpleasant compared to other wolves who belonged to a pack. The blood oath was the initial reason why other wolves smelled alluring and pleasant compared to me. I took a blood oath when I was eight but soon after that, I broke the oath and ran away from my pack which turned me into a rogue but I preferred calling myself a lone wolf.

The howls grew louder as I ran. The mountains appeared in front of me and I stopped on my tracks. I had heard about the mountains that kissed the sky but I wasn't ever able to see them due to the danger around me.

Whenever I went on a run, someone or the other tried to chase me and I never had enough time on my hands to see the woods entirely.

Tonight it felt different.

Very different.

A black creature flashed in front of my eyes and I was thrown on the ground with a thud. A musky scent reached up to my nostrils as my eyes fluttered open.

Above me, I saw my mate, in his wolf form. His deep brown eyes sniped into mine and I shivered. This is not good.

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