
Blissful Surpises

As I soak under the water, I feel a presence enter the room. I feel his hands caress me. I turn to see Damien grabbing a sponge and filling it soap, he began to wash my back. He glided the sponge down my legs, and in between them. I let out a gasp as I heard him chuckle at my reaction. The sponge moved over my breasts. I attempted to grab on to his shirt for balance, only to realize I was touching his sculpted abs. “Damien!”

“That’s right angel, I am just as bare as you” he whispered while kissing my neck and guiding the sponge lower down my front to my heated core. I gasped when I felt his fingers toy with my clit, and I bit back a moan.

“God, I love your pleasurable sounds! It’s music to my ears” He said as he continued to kiss my neck. His fingers continued to dig in deeper to my soaking pussy. I began to buck at the feeling of his fingers entering me. I screamed his name as pressure started to build. Suddenly, he kneeled down and spread my legs wider. Before I could say anything, he took me into his mouth. I felt his hot tongue start to lick its way along my slit and screamed at the sensations.

“Eyes on me angel, eyes on me” he said in a tone filled with lust.

“Oh God!” he screamed. I fell to the floor; he caught me before I could get hurt. He spread me wider and started fucking me with his tongue. I was squirming in the shower as my body fought against the sensory overload. He leaned forward and kissed me. His thick length glided in and filled me to the hilt. I arched myself taking in all of him. He started to thrust hard and deep. I tried to meet his thrusts to keep up with him. Soon I was falling apart as my orgasm ripped through me and I as screamed his name so loud that aliens could probably hear us on mars. He unloaded into me and gave me a sweet kiss before helping me to my feet.

Best Wake up shower ever!

I could not stop grinning like the Cheshire cat at how this morning was. Waking up in the hospital is never a welcome experience however, having the hottest guy in school care for and give you shower sex, is phenomenal.

The next morning was school. The first thing I noticed that took me by surprise was that neither of my parents were home. That was honestly worrisome.  My mother is classified as Intellectually Disabled. She’s a sweetheart in her own way and she tries her best at everything she does however, my father has been thorn in her side that she cannot shake. He has severe disabilities himself but, knows how to hide them very well. To the average person who does not know my homelife, he seems like a somewhat nice guy but, an introvert. No one knows, at home, he is dominating, suppressive, and very vindictive. There have been many times during my life, my father secretly terrifies me. He seems to know every move that I make without actually being in the area. I know he does not mind link me, cause I would feel lit. He has no special powers.

I am not worried for my mother; it is not like her to not be home unless she is with my dad. Dad never lets any of us out of his sight. It was by sheer luck; I went to that party. If Dad had any indication that I was leaving to go out with anyone, he would have no doubt padlocked me in the house. So I can only wonder what the hell are they. There is no note, and it’s like no one has been home recently.

I decided to put it out of my mind and concentrate on getting ready for school. I need to look my best. It’s my official first day of school even though classes technically already started. That’s what happens when my cousin goes psycho and damn near kills me.

I rummage through my closet and find a cute sexy outfit. I found a black tube top which accentuates my C-cup breasts. I pair it with a cherry red leather mini jacket, and a black mini skirt that curves nicely around my toned ass. That will look nice for the first day! In this Georgia heat, it was essential!

We live outside of Athens Georgia, in a small town called “Colbert” population of 500. The entire town is a werewolf community tucked away in a wooded area of Georgia wilderness. Rarely anyone know about the community. No one ever comes here. We get occasional human at times but, more of the time they’re just passing through between Athens and Augusta. I am looking forward to the end of my senior year! I have applied to colleges at Vanderbilt, Miami, New York, South Carolina, and a few other places. The furthest I have applied is UCLA, Pepperdine, ASU, Louisiana, Texas, and a thousand other places. In other words, "Anywhere but here!”

As I think about school now, after Damiens' claim, somewhere deep inside of me is trying to stop me from going. I would never be able to apply for the schools where Damien is. I heard he applied to Notre Dame, Harvard, Yale, Brown, Dartmouth, Princeton, Columbia, Vanderbilt, Stanford, and a few others that are mostly Ivy League. That’s never going to happen to me. I don’t have the pomp and luxury of money to afford that schooling. Something deep inside of me whispers ‘If he goes to Stanford and you go to UCLA, that would work, or ask him for help”

I laugh at the voice, fat chance of that. We’re not mates, I am just a fascination to him, I am a bedwarmer he wants because he has not dated in two years. He’s not that into me enough to pull those strings. I shrug off the voice after I am ready. I grabbed a bagel, and some coffee to eat on the way to school. I walk out the door and freeze to a stop as I see Damien sitting on his car waiting for me.

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