
62. Confession

I find Killian sitting on the floor, his back leaned against the bed frame, a hand into his hair as he tries to put himself together before he pushes himself up once more. My heart sinks into the pits of my stomach, with confused emotions swimming all over.

I felt fear when I looked at this man. His scars were battle scars. His body was trained to break people in half. He was a damn mountain of a man and I was nothing but a flower swept by the wind, somewhere at the base of this mountain who could crush me at any given moment.

I felt fear, because somewhere deep inside I wanted him to be a good man. A good husband and perhaps, a good father too. I felt fear because he did not hesitate to snap indecent pictures of me when I was vulnerable. What did he want to do with them? Was he selling them? Was he planning to use them agaist me? Did he not have me trapped here already? What more could he possibly want!

I felt fear, because no matter what or who he was, he was hurt and aching and pa
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