
Calm after war

Leia's POV

The sigil Xavier had used worked, as Kai no longer needed my help to stabilize. His hazel gaze, now back to normal, fixed on me, even as restraints continued to secure him. "Kai," I said cautiously. His eyes flickered in recognition.

"Leia," he murmured my name affectionately. I moved closer, but Xavier halted me.

"Remember, he's fooled us before, acting normal before attacking us with his dark power," Xavier reminded me. Upon hearing this, Kai's eyes widened in shock. It seemed he didn't remember.

"What?" Kai blinked, dumbfounded. "I didn't do that, did I?" he questioned, his tone filled with disbelief.

"You did, Kai," I whispered.

"I don't remember, but I can assure you I'm in control of the power now," Kai declared.

"It's hard for us to take your word and remove the magical handcuffs," Xavier responded sternly. "I can't risk Leia getting hurt."

"Xavier, please, let's take off the cuffs. We should trust Kai," I implored. Xavier looked at me, sighed, and then made his deci
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