
Kai & Leia

Leia - POV

I woke up to find myself in bed instead of in a car. Still wearing the same clothes, I rolled out of bed and prepared to freshen up. My body ached, likely from using extensive magic earlier. A knock on my door interrupted my thoughts.

"Come in," I called out, walking towards my wardrobe to change my outfit. I turned around to see Kai entering the room, his hair wet and his attire random, as if he had rushed to my room.

"Kai, is something wrong?" I asked, noticing his intense gaze fixed upon me, along with a hint of worry.

"Leia, are you feeling alright? I mean, did the dark voice speak to you?" Kai asked, stepping closer to me with his hand on my shoulder.

"No, it didn't speak to me. I'm doing well," I reassured Kai. Kai visibly sighed with relief.

"What's going on, Kai? You seem troubled," I inquired. Kai distanced himself slightly, pacing back and forth as if battling with himself over whether or not to confide in me.

"Kai, you can talk to me if you want. And I understand
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