
Chapter 63


Whoever said, "When you love someone, you have to be willing to let them go," was most certainly making fun of me. I did let her go to her boyfriend, or whatever the fuck she calls him. I just fucking let the love of my life go. The events of today reaffirmed the fact that Lola is the most important thing in my life. I seriously doubt that she will ever go through anything remotely comparable to what we did today with that dickhead. Why does he have to show up everywhere? Who told him Lola and I was here? I am confident that she will come back. It hurts that she chose him after what we’ve just shared. I am not going to fight for Lola; she knows where her home is. Her home is with me and our kids. If she wants to try a new dick, she can go ahead and do just that, but in the end, she will come back home to us. I went to bed with a smile, knowing that she would eventually come back; it was just a matter of time.

The following morning, I got up bright and early and headed to my p
Favor V April

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