
Chapter 112 - Willow

We got cleaned up and dressed. Made our way back out to the clothes mountain. This time around, when I saw a duplicate, I just thanked it for helping me and tossed it in the DONATE pile. I wasn't going to drag myself down for coping in whatever way that worked.

I was still standing wasn't I? Still happier now than any time before in my life. Outside of a couple measly snafus, I thought my life was landing on the side of good more days than not.

I chuckled. Measly snafus. Kidnapping, torture, shot at, almost run off the road, attempted murder...easy peasy.


"I think I see the floor," Ryker said a couple hours later.

I jerked my head around to look at his side of the room. "No way. This pile is never ending. I'm pretty sure it was breeding and copying itself while we had sexy times."

He snorted. "Probably true. But look." He stepped into a section of floor without any clothes on it. "Bare floor." He did a little dance that looked like he was either shopping or spanking
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