
Chapter 152 - Nik

I glared at my primary screen. How the hell had Chad found me? I'd swept through my records with a fine-toothed comb years ago. There was nothing there for anyone to find. And certainly not any information I didn't want people to find.

Added to the fact that Chad was nothing but a bully with barely two brain cells to rub together, he shouldn't have been able to find me. Ever. But not only had he found me, he'd found my freaking home address. Only PennCorp and Ryker had my physical address. And I'd made Ryker promise not to let anyone besides HR and Payroll have it.

I did a bot sweep on the cache sites on the server farms. Nothing. I gritted my teeth. I was the same secure ghost I'd always been. How the hell had he found me?

A heavy hand thudded against my door, making me squeak like a little girl.

Fuck. "What?" I snarled.

The door knob turned, and one of my colleagues stuck his head in. "Nik, we've got some guy at the front desk asking for you."


I licked my lips
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