
Chapter 191 - Talia


My head bounced against something hard, jarring me from the void of sickly nothingness. On my back, all I could see were the low lights overhead. Bile coated the back of my throat as I tried to breathe through the nausea. The sloshing and slipping of my brain from one side to the other.

"She's awake," someone called in a high voice.

Unable to push it down, I made it to my side before my stomach gave a giant heave.

Only to be caught by whatever they had over my mouth.

Vomit rushed up into my nose, was forced down into my throat. My airways. Terror and fear swamped my mind as all my options for breathing were removed. I was going to die here. Suffocating on my own vomit.

"The fuck! Get the tape off her mouth. She's going to die and then where will we be?" a man yelled as someone darted forward in the cramped space.

As soon as the ripping pull of my delicate flesh was completed, I was coughing and spitting. Fire burned my nostrils as air forced its way through
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