
Chapter 214 - Arkady

Pushing through the door to my room, I made sure to lock it and secure it with a secondary implement to keep anyone from coming in. Even if they had a key. I stood in the quiet for a moment, just looked around my quarters.

For the regular observer, it would look pretty normal. Bland walls, huge bed with a single pillow and blanket to go with the dark sheets. No plants to speak of and no pictures to show any relationship outside of the family I'd joined.

But if someone were to look a little harder, they would see the cage this room really was. The cameras in each corner of the room that recorded every breath, movement, fart, and nut scratch. The bars on the windows that were supposedly to help keep us safe. Even the attached bathroom had bars on its windows.

Opposite the bed was a huge computer setup. Four screens held over forty-eight camera feeds. My own room included in the number. Being the second in command of the building and family security held its own special torment.
Locked Chapter
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