
Chapter 248 - Jessa

I hovered by the phone as I waited for Nico to call me. Wringing my hands so hard I winced, I shook them out before I started giving myself blisters. I was not cut out for this worrying business. At all.

A woman of action, I needed to be doing something. Anything. But actively working towards a solution instead of just sitting around and growing a baby. Not that that wasn't important, but I could literally do that while I slept, so it wasn't really taking a lot of mental focus from the issue of the day right now.


If the Petters were, in fact, behind all this, then I was going to be first in line to start busting some heads. As soon as Nik and Mags taught me how to do it without hurting myself. Hell, I could just use my medical knowledge. No one would ever know what happened to them.

I smiled at the thought. Rubbed a hand down my belly. "Isn't that right, baby cakes? Momma can handle herself. Beat the poopy out of anyone who tries to hurt your daddy." I nodded.

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