
063 | I got two problems and they're both men

Rhiannon’s POV

When I heard that mindlink, telling me that Alpha Caleb had been poisoned, I went through something similar to the five stages of grief.

The first wasn’t denial, though. It was a weird-ass sense that justice had been served. I felt vindicated, glad that the man who’d been such a bastard to me had met his comeuppance.

Then came anger – anger that I hadn’t been the one to do it.

It seemed Tiger felt the same. ‘If anyone was going to kill that arrogant ass, it should’ve been me.’

‘We would have done it fairly, too,’ I agreed, letting her rage merge with mine, twin flames growing and burning bright. ‘Not taken the coward’s way out and poisoned him.’

And, instead of bargaining, next came guilt. I felt guilty for my initial reaction and knew it was all a way for me to cover up the truth of how I felt. I felt guilty for not being there for him, for not foreseeing this. Though it had weighed on everyone’s mind, the return of the Eternal Winter had taken front and centre in th
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