
Chapter Sixty Four


I looked at my phone and frowned, reading the text message Jason had sent to me.

Apparently, he was going he to do something important, and wasn't coming back to the office till later. Which also translated to me, handling the meeting he was supposed to handle at the office. I had envisioned myself sitting behind the scenes, while I ogled him to my satisfaction.

"Just say you want to add to my already full plate at work." I said to the phone as I typed in a reply that was just a simple 'its okay'. Jeez.

The idea of having two CEOs in the company, had to have been the most ridiculous thing in that agreement. Paul could have just left me as his personal assistant so my job could have ab actual definition.

"What's wrong?" Jane asked from opposite me, sipping from her cup of tapioca pearls and whatever the drink was called.

I hadn't even had enough appetite for the actual food, but had managed to eat it since it was really delicious. But when it had come to dessert, I couldn't stom
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