

"Who were you talking to?"

"Dimitri," Ayesha replied as she put her phone away. She showed Joseph the package of cabbage she spotted earlier. "Dimitri works in agriculture. This is his company's product. I don't know why I have not noticed them before."

"I am surprised you still remember who he is."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Ever since Carol showed you the picture of his ex and gave you a rundown of their relationship, you seemed to have taken a back seat when it came to him."

"And if so, then?"

"Seriously?" Joseph took over pushing the cart while she scanned the aisle for yoghurts. "I never thought you the type to be intimidated by another woman."

"It's not intimidation. It's me trying to save myself any troubles or heartaches in the future."

"Like how?"

"They dated since college, Jo. College. And since then, it's been on and off. That's over ten years of his life going back to the same woman over and over and ov

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