
Beneath The Moon


  Asher pov

   Asher you must attend family meets, asher stop acting awkward, asher this, asher that, now asher sits at the back of his car, too tied to actually step down, the facade of my house brings a familiar disgust down my belly , I hate this time of the year.

   " sir?" 


   I hear a familiar voice, Joe knocks on the glass of the already opened door, " hi joe" I said standing  from the car, as I straighten my collar, taking in long breath, I sigh at the thought of seeing multitudes, for the second time this year, this is the second house, mom had fallen in love with.

   For a second I see it as a hobby or maybe a cry for help, second time this very year, attending a party for no reason, " sir?" I feel a slight tap on my shoulder, 

  " any problem sir" the brown haired man said, he had bridges on his forehead as he stares blankly at me, 


  " I am fine Joe, go park the car" I said waving my hands, dismissing his petite figure,walking further into the glamorous building my stray eyes picked a shiny red ornament, laying by the side of the building, a rose in a vase.


     My heart clenches, as the names come ringing continuously in my mind, I had  bashed out on her yesterday. I shouldn't have, what was I thinking, the first time trying to make an impression and my awkwardness comes thrusting its way back unto my life.

      With a long sigh, i step into the building,I shouldn't have respected boundaries, I shouldn't have tried changing in the first place, what  was I thinking, just one second in my cursed circle, she almost got her head chopped off  by a broken cart.

    clear your mind asher, just see mom and dad, and then back to how it used to be.

  Won't hurt a fly, would it?.

     Stepping into the building, my eyes dart around the room for mom, but with all this shiny dresses it's hard to actually  notice her, she could blend into one of theses attires, but just then, a hear the sound of a slight scream, pulling my attention deep in the crowd, a red dress shining under the bright chandelier picks my attention.

   The pace of my heart quickens, as a familiar figure comes to mind, rose?  What is she doing here? Why is Axel holding her?Flames find their way in my heart, as I see his hands wrapped around her waist, and she's just still, staring at him, with her hands wrapped around his neck.

    A tray comes obstructing my view, slipping my hands further, I grasp a cup of wine, gulping it down in one go, haven't felt this hot, she stands up, then tucks her hair behind her ears as  she smiles sheepishly at him, axel, beams back at her  and for a second it looks like they are just smiling at each other for an excruciating long time.

    Then he brings her hands up towards his lips, placing a kiss on her fist.

       A thud finds its way in my heart, as i felt rooted to the floor, the tray comes passing me again, taking a second drink, squeezing gently, on the cold cup, as i see  her flush again, why is she smiling so much, she shouldn't, taking a gently sip, I watch axel walk away, while she Stare at him, heaven knows what they had been talking about as she hadn’t stopped smiling. 

     The excruciating stares makes my heart boil, following her line of sight. She had her eyes glued on the moron of a brother till he faded in the fur, lined up before him. Then she turns gently and her eyes meet mine.


  Her shiny elongated earring makes her eyes brighter than it was yesterday, as she bit on her lips, the fury in my heart increases, as the image I had seen earlier comes flashing in my mind, being held so close by Axel, but just when the pressure coke clogging my thoughts, anna comes obstructing  her  view.



 Suddenly the house feels claustrophobic, as the walls comes closing on me, my body feels too tight, I should be taking my leave, can’t deal with all this people flocking around, just when I had stood to stand, a notification comes beeping in my phone, its mom, 

' Welcome asher, we will be having a family dinner soon’.

      This feeling, was back, this feeling I am not so certain about, its back again, fighting the urge to rip my clothes out, as I move towards the exit, it won't kill anyone if I don’t attend the next house warming, which was so sure to come, besides I never wanted to be here anyway .

       Walking outside the moon illuminates  over the  roses, the wind takes the heat away, as i stare at the moon, walking further into empty street, as the music and clicking noises became distant, now all I hear is the calm sound of the wind, silent whispers I couldn’t hear, 

   Sound of silence.

    " hey" 

    Turning hurriedly, a familiar red gown comes into view, hands clasped nervously before her, once more her hair was packed up in a tight ponytail, how did she get here?, " hi" I said in a slight whisper, she replied with a smile, " the moon is beautiful,  now I know why it's your lover" her eyes  shifted from mine then up to the sky, looking up at the moon.

    An image of her smiling before me, as I stood  beside her car, came ringing in my head. That special night, she looked more beautiful than a goddess, her hair messed slightly on her face, she doesn't look any different from that now.

            The scent of morning flowers and soft rain fills the air as she drew nearer, her smile catches up with with, she’s beautiful, lost in her smile, my cheeks burns in response to how fast my heart beats just having her this close, so beautiful,my hands craves to feel the smoothness of her red lips as I stare at the part gently. 

     “ What brings you outside,  rose?” I see her eye wander, around, as she folds her fingers, “ uhm not a fan of large party” she said, once again doing that thing where she tucks hair behind her head, the little crystal on her ears twinkles ones more, pulling my attention to your delicate feature .

   “ Just so you know, I didn’t know you were outside till I got here” she replied defensively with her hands above her head, “ I never judged your reason rose” I replied tapping the little pace beside me, with which she took in a jiffy . 

    Her body so close to mine makes it even harder, it’s harder not going a second surging, breathing her scent, it’s worse that I do want to feel the source of the intoxication, my shafts harden beneath the surface of my pants, just thinking of her nudity.

     I can’t 

 “ Rose, tell me, are you a moon person or a sun?” I asked, just trying to clear the awkwardness lingering between us, she turned her head, smiling slightly, as I gasped at the increase in my pants. “ I am beginning to think I am a  moon person,” she said.

   All I had in my thought was how to hide the hardon already surfacing at the top, as I contemplate standing, or adjusting, but each time thinking of a solution she turn smiling so sweetly my limbs felt too weak to culprit.

  “ it’s calmer under here” I added, hoping I hadn’t sounded off, as I barely caught what she had said in the past minute. 

“ it is indeed calmer” she said staring directly at me, I had expected her eyes to wander like it salsas does, but instead she stares owlishly at me, for a moment i feel exposed, too vulnerable to avert my gaze, as guilt found its way down my gut.

      " I am sorry I bashed at you yesterday" I said,  the silence grew even more, as her eyes widened, say something, I feel my restraint slip away with the second that tick by.

   " it's fine" she said, tapping nervously on the ground, I catch her nervous taps once more, " your nervous taps" I said pointing at her finger

   " old habit" 

 " Well back to the moon shall we" with a long sigh, we stared at the moon, my mind shuffling through files of questions piled up to be asked, and I said, “ what’s your favorite color?” 

 Well that was dumb

  “ black” she replied in a singsong tone, quite different from what I had expected, " you? "

    “ white, yellow” I said,

   She doesn’t reply immediately, just when the silence has gotten to its peak, she said “ What's so special about them?”, she seems to be thinking outside the box

  “Yellow stands for hope, while white stands for_” 

  “Hey there you are, been looking for both of you”

  A familiar annoying voice said, 



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