
Rounding off

I met Ryan six years after Peter and I started dating, while I was still working as a clerk in the company. At first, I did not even know who the hell he was because I first met him at the restaurant where I was working. I know, it sounds stupid because the man is filthy rich, and I work in his company, but that restaurant was the last place that I would have expected to find someone like him. It was a middle-class restaurant, not the type that rich people frequented at all. I still remember that night crystal clear.” Becca paused a little, her eyes taking on a dreamy look that told Dan all that he needed to know. She was clearly still in love with the man.

“He was so handsome and well-built. I noticed him the second he walked in because it was kind of a dull night, so there weren’t many customers in the restaurant. He was dressed simply, and he was alone, so he looked every inch the average but insanely hot adult male. I was the one who waited on him. You probably don’t want to hear t
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