

Time flew by really fast and before Becca knew it, one year had gone by since she gave birth to her daughter. Life was good, and there was nothing she wished for more than the life she had. Emma had everything that a little girl could have and lacked literally nothing.

“Yeah…nothing except her father, of course.” The little voice in Becca's head said, but she steadfastly ignored it.

Emma had a father figure in her life in the person of Dan, who loved and treated her as though she were his own daughter. Emma loved him just as much and was always full of smiles and hugs for him. How Becca felt about Dan was a whole other matter entirely. There was no denying the fact that she was very fond of him. Heck, she liked him a lot, and the sexual chemistry between them was really intense and showed no signs of dying down anytime soon, neither did she want it to die. However, she was starting to notice something else about Dan. It was something that she had always feared would happen, and now,
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