
CH:15 The Savage

Dakota hid in the deep trees so no one can feel his presence. All of his senses were sharply active. He looked around to find the enemy but felt nothing... Suddenly he feels a presence around him before he can turn around. Someone choked his neck from behind, he coughed and try to come out of the harsh grip of the enemy, but he couldn't do it. Dakota can not see who is trying to choke him, but the person seems so strong and powerful to have such amazing fighting skills. It reminded him of the fighting session between him and Claire.

In the meantime Ethan, Mia, Eric and Arnold reach the spot. Dakota can feel their presence behind him, but they are not helping him. He wondered why are they not coming close and helping him! And he can hear them laughing behind his back.

"What are you doing? Help me." He coughed.

"What is this drama?" Mia shouted in anger. Dakota heard his fiance's voice.

"We left our pack territory and our work for this!!! What's going on here?" Mia sound so furious.
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