
Chapter 2

Isabelle walked with confidence. She had spent the past weeks practicing how to walk in heels and a ball gown. She walked majestically with her head held high, like a princess would. At the end of the hallway were the stairs leading down to the ballroom of the palace. There, her father, the king, stood waiting for her. His back was facing her, and when she arrived, she stood beside him.

"Your Majesty, my father and king," she greeted him as a princess would. Holding her skirts with her hands, she did a courtesy.

"Rise, my daughter," her father ordered.

She slowly stood up and looked up at him. Her father was looking at her with surprise and awe. This was the first time he looked at her with so much emotion. In the past, he barely spared her a glance, for fear his wife, the queen, would criticize him and remind him of his infidelity.

The servants also looked at her with surprise and amazement. They all stopped what they were doing briefly to shower praises on her.

The king cleared his throat, as a way of dismissing the servants, and said softly: "You remind me of your mother, the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Come, let's not keep the guests waiting."

He offered his arm to Isabella, and she held it gently.

As they approached the entrance, Isabella looked down at the ballroom. Many people from the noble and high classes were wearing beautiful dresses and suits. Some were chatting, some were eating, and others were dancing on the dance floor.

The musicians stopped playing. One servant blew the trumpet to get the guests' attention.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you King George De Novia, ruler of Wales, and his daughter, third Princess Isabella De Novia," the herald announced their presence.

The king and Isabella started descending the stairs. The guests resumed their chattering. Isabella focused on her steps. When they approached the bottom, the hall became quiet. The chattering stopped suddenly. When she looked up in curiosity, all eyes were on her. The faces of the guests were mixed with surprise, awe, and a touch of jealousy. They couldn't believe that the king had such a beautiful daughter.

When her father and she reached the ground, they stopped.

And the king announced: "Dear guests, ladies, and gentlemen, I would like to present to you my third daughter, the third princess of Wales, Isabella De Novia." Her father announced with the essence of a king, beaming with pride.

The guests applauded. Isabella was feeling overwhelmed as this was her first time attending a ball, and here now she was the center of attention, the star of the night. Adding to her uneasiness was the hateful stare from her stepmother and step-siblings.

"Hahaha, Your Majesty." A middle-aged stout man approached them. "I didn't know that you were hiding such a beautiful daughter."

"Duke Middleton," her father greeted him. "Isa, greet the duke."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Duke Middleton," she greeted.

"Hahaha, the pleasure is all mine," Duke Harry replied. "Your Majesty, it's a good thing that you presented this beautiful daughter of yours. My son Phillips just turned nineteen. He is a fine young lad who can be a good match for Isabella."

"Duke, my daughter just turned eighteen. Isn't it a little too early to make matches?" Her father replied.

"I have heard of Philip Middleton. He is the heir of the Middleton family. It is said that he is a rising noble here in Wales. He is not only intelligent but also handsome. Many young noble women are vying for his attention. And that includes my sister, the second princess Camila," Isabella said.

"Nonsense. There is no such thing as early matchmaking," Duke Middleton said. "Phillip, my son. Where is that boy?"

"Father," they heard the voice of a young man in the crowd.

A blonde-haired boy emerged from the crowd. He had light blue eyes and fair skin. His smile was dazzling.

"Ah, there he is, Philip, my boy. Come here," the duke ordered.

"Your Majesty, your highness," William bowed before them.

"Arise," the king ordered.

She also greeted him with courtesy. "Sir Phillip. It's a pleasure to meet you," she said.

"Pleasure is all mine, Princess," Philip took her hand and kissed the back.

In Wales, if a gentleman greets a lady with a kiss behind the hand, it means that he is interested in getting to know her better, either as a friend or in a romantic way.

Isabella blushed at his gesture. Philip looked at her and gave her a sweet and gentle smile.

"Oh look at them, Your Majesty, they just look good with each other," the duke said. "Phillip, my boy, are you willing to get to know Princess Isabella better?" the duke asked.

"If the Princess lets me," Phillip said with a smile. "Can I visit you once in a while in your courtyard?"

Isabella was frozen in space. This was the first time a boy had ever taken notice of her. She was lost for words.

"Ahh.." she said, not knowing what to say.

"Well, if young Phillip here wishes to court my daughter, then I will respect his wish. But expect that courting a Princess won't be easy," her father said.

"Hahaha, of course, Your Majesty. I am sure my Phillip is equal to the challenge," the duke said, his laughter genuine.

"Then, please Princess, let me at least start with being your friend first," Phillip requested.

"O-Okay," Isabella stuttered.

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