
89. Kate

It is a bright and sunny morning as I sit in yet another meeting. I have sat through dozens now and every moment existing in a room with Austin still makes me tingle with dread. Hugo’s nervous replacement has reported huge improvements in trade with other packs. Clearly, he knew what happened to those who returned without the required discounts.

Rustling papers sound like the sizzle the poker made as its bloodied end was placed back into the fire.

Austin barely glanced at me these days, leaving me in a peculiar limbo. If he grew completely bored of me, he would probably just kill me. To be too interested in me would leave me the recipient of his disgusting advances again.

“What of our latest tracking team Andre?” Austin asked, his bracelets rattling loudly as he pointed down the marble table length. Andre was a huge man, bigger than Alpha Fyrestone. Head Warrior for Greenway even his dull eyes looked to be made from granite, his voice deep with bass .

“We sent trackers into the Hi
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