
Synchronic - [Rewritten]

The closest Malaka hurried to grab her neck, but she dodged sideways and precisely dug her rapier inside his left shoulder socket. She couldn't detach his entire arm, but the deadly precision made his arm go limp.

Before Malaka could figure out what just happened, she did the same with his right shoulder and left knee to make him kneel on the ground. 

Before she could get out of the pinch, another one jumped at her. Fortunately, she was able to temporarily dismantle his joints too.

Beasts kept rushing at her, but she kept dodging left and right while disabling their joints at a violent pace. Though It seemed like a smooth battle, her forehead was drenched in sweat. The burden kept increasing and so far, even a single arrow had yet to come to help her.

She mutilated their joints, but soon realized that the damage she was causing was not good enough. These minor injuries would not be enough to keep them on the ground for enough time considering how effective their regenerative factor was. 

Their injuries would heal in no time, and there is a high chance they would get accustomed to her tricks. Just 20 seconds into the battle, Rain was already regretting it, but she had no choice but to stand her ground. 

She kept jumping in every possible way to avoid their strikes, yet the only word echoing in her mind right now was "betrayal". 

Her hands began trembling as she saw herself losing her ground. They kept coming at her as if there was no end. Besides, the ones she dismantled a few seconds ago were already back on their feet and now coming to grab her. 

Her hands were already full with no chance at escape. However, just when she completely ran out of options, an arrow cut through the air and dug itself inside his foreheads. 

The metallic tranquility of a vibrating bowstring traversed through the air once again. The arrow cut through the air like a bolt of flash.

It forcefully cracked open and penetrated through the beast's forehead. The impact once again stunned him. Rain saw a thread of hole and finally got what she was waiting for. She rushed her rapier towards the crack.

Falco, with an extremely fast reaction speed, sighed at this scene. His facial expressions hinted that he was disappointed. This approach was the same as earlier. 

He realized that the arrow might have given her enough leeway to launch the strike at them but he knew it's not going to work. The force behind her strike didn't have much power to kill the beast. 

The blade of her rapier was extremely thin, almost like a needle. There was no way the strike from the weapon would kill Malaka. 

'Alright, I've seen enough!' Falco's eyes turned orange, an aura burst out  'This is not going to work… I'm going in...'

His calves strained. However, before he could take another step forward, he caught the glimpse of another arrow racing towards Rain, from the corner of his eyes.

This second arrow, zoomed forward to intercept the beast Rain was about to impale while traversing on the same trajectory as the previous arrow. By now, she had already thrust her rapier inside the skull and was 3 inches deep. 

However, in the next instant, his second arrow also forcefully made its way inside the same gap. Since the arrow intercepted her rapier, she felt a stunning vibration in her hand. Nevertheless, both arrow and rapier violently drilled inside the beast's skull, killing him instantly.

Rain's eyes widened as she saw her strike's impact getting doubled. Her mind fell into immediate disarray, trying to figure out the depth of the inhumane skills required to pull this stunt.

Moreover, this almost seemed like cheating since both of them dealt the killing blow at the time, making her unsure who would get the last kill until

[~Cursed-Malaka Killed~]

[Gained Saturation Points +7.8]

[Gained Soul Crystal +6]

[Gained Fire-based Affinity]

[Gained Soul-Armas (weapon-class): Night Sky ]

Rain almost puked blood when she saw the number of saturation points she gained. However, now was not the time to look at the gains since she was treading on a tightrope. 

She forcefully pulled her rapier out, along with the arrows and realized another arrow had already stunned the beast next to her, hinting that this one is her next immediate target.

Rain twisted her waist and kited multiple strikes in an abnormal position that gave her stance, enough force to push her weapon inside the stunning beast's forehead. 

The very instant she pushed the tip of her rapier inside, the second arrow had already appeared right next to her dominant wrist. The godly timing and intricate accuracy of each shot blew her sanity. 

The pressure immediately reduced as two Malakas dropped dead. A surge of stamina rushed through her veins, making her hands tremble. The fact that she killed two high-tier despite being on the beginner stage almost felt like a dream.

While she dazed at the sight of the second Malaka dying, three more arrows penetrated three different Malakas. She did not let the opportunity go and dug her rapier inside the crack in the skull one by one.

Rain eyes immediately glimmered with a glint of scarlet. The cycle continued. Earlier, what seemed like an impossible task, now seemed possible. In fact, she got accustomed so fast that she even picked up the pace.

Her job became simple. Dodge and kill, that's all she had to do, and one by one Malaka started to fall to their knees. Surprisingly enough, none of these strikes were messy or gruesome like the previous ones. A quick and clean death for each of them.

3 minutes later, her kill count reached 16, but there were no signs of her halting the killing spree. In fact, she got faster as well as stronger with each kill. Every time she thrust her rapier, a Malaka died right in front of their eyes.

Agenor and Falco also went pale after seeing this happening in front of their eyes. None of them expected that the situation would turn out like this.

However, Maira was the one who was the most shocked this time. Being an archer, she realized how fragile and insane this strategy is. To pull this off successfully. Not only does Creed have to maintain a constant stream of arrows stunning the beasts, but he also has to track and synchronize the timing of his second arrow with her strikes.

'What kind of fucked up archery book has he been reading….'

The amount of parallel processing one would need to do would exceed the limits and capabilities of the normal human being. However, this was happening right in front of her. She had a hard time believing the amount of influence a single archer could have on a battle.

"What is going on?" Falco interrupted, "Who is getting the last kill? Is it the kid or Rain..."

"Of Course she is getting it… or how else would you explain the incremental increase in her strength…"

"But they both are landing their final blows at the same time… then why is Rain getting the final kill? Is it possible to hack the system?"

"Hmm… it looks like hacking, doesn't it? But it's not that. His insane skills are making this happen! You see, every time the second arrow penetrates their skull, it simultaneously hits her rapier as well."

"So what ?"

"The arrow's impact transfers a significant amount of kinetic energy to the rapier's thin blade, making the blade vibrate violently inside the beast's head, scrambling their brains from the inside."

Agenor added, "The second arrows' primary job isn't to land the killing blow. When the arrow invades beast's skull, her rapier becomes more lethal, and the strike kills the beast from the inside. He is intentionally letting her have the kill."


Author Note: 

I posted this chapter because I realized I made some mistakes in the previous one. Now you might ask, why didn't I just edit the previous chapter instead of posting a "Re-written" version? This is because, after publishing a chapter, making edits or tweaks does not immediately reflect in the app [this might be a bug in the website], ultimately the edits in the chapter take more than a week to get reflected in the mobile app.

Well... I made this one free so that the ones who have paid for the previous one don't have to pay twice.

Thanks and Happy Reading

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