
Chapter 59

“How are you doing that?” he asked in shock, but instinctively pulled her even closer to him, cradling her head on his chest.

“Doing what?” she asked quizzically.

“Your eyes are glowing again,” replied Lewis in his deep bass voice.

“I’m not doing anything,” she insisted, before hearing Maeve smugly reveal yet another hidden ability. “Maeve!” she shouted out loud, annoyed with her secret-keeping wolf. She sighed before telling the group. 

“Maeve is channeling between us. She’s taking any strong negative emotions from Drew and channeling them to me. They’re not affecting me because I don’t have that connection to Violet. She says I can then choose what emotions I channel back to Drew, but because I wasn’t even aware I could do it, she’s showing him what I feel for

Bella Hamilton

An Alpha, a werebear and a witch walk into a bar...are we ready for that?! :)

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goodnovel comment avatar
Dhicks Hicks
I am so confused
goodnovel comment avatar
Letashya Howard
That sounds like the beginning of a very BAD joke! ...
goodnovel comment avatar
Linda Darr
That is so very funny .........

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