
Chapter 57


“ Does it even matter?? When at the end you are going to do whatever you please.” I asked, staring at him with a mocked smile.

He didn't answer for a moment and just stared back.

“Alright. Tell me, what do you want me to do? “ He asked.

“ I just want you to stop controlling my life. “ I said, making him frown.

“ I did no such thing. “ His expressions hardened.

“ Oh really?? Then how would you explain planting Morris on my head twenty four seven?? “ I huffed, raising a brow.

“ I told you that's only for your safety.” He answered, Immediately.

“ Oh cut it, please. I'm not some

heir to a real estate that people would waste their time on me. ” I failed my hands in exaggeration.

“ You don't understand that.” He gave me a hard look.

“ I understand very well. You just want to ensure that I don't do anything stupid and stay in line. “ I said, bitterly.

“ I. Said. That. Is. Not. True. Princess.” His jaws clenched and clamped my mouth shut immediately.

We both fell into a
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