
Thanks for the Favor


Freezing rain pelted the office windows, the skies angry and miserable. I stood with my back to my office, staring at the Boston skyline –what little of it not obscured by the weather. Lightning cracked the sky in half, adding to the general gloom outside.

It wasn’t much better in my office. Sighing, I dragged my hands through my hair. In the two weeks since Marissa came into my office and went off about how we had to forget anything ever happened between us, we’d managed to avoid each other.

It was no easy feat in an office the size of ours, but I hadn’t so much as caught a glimpse of the buxom blonde who had intrigued me as much as she’d annoyed me from day one. The last two Fridays, I’d let my second in command handle the weekly staff meetings.

Marissa had sent the reports she needed to get to me via email to my assistant, and several times had dropped documents with her. One morning I arrived to find a pile of papers neatly stacked on my desk.

The loopy handwriting on the n
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