
Worth the Risk


“Drawing it is, then.” I thought of Layton and how much of a perfectionist he was with his designs, as opposed to my own, which were downright sloppy in comparison.

Fair enough, mine had to be altered as the dress was altered. Since the dress was altered to suit the body shape of the person that had to fit into it at the time they had to fit into it, my designs also didn’t have to be as exact as Layton’s from the get go.

If Annie was interested in drawing, perhaps I could borrow some of Layton’s discarded sketches to bring home. Just to show her another style. I watched her admiring the dress, asking, “What would you like to draw?”

She bit the inside of her cheek as she thought. “Anything. I just like drawing and if we’re all choosing something we loved for the day Brie comes over, I’m choosing drawing.”

“It’s an excellent choice, kiddo.” I had to remember to ask Layton about some discarded or old drawings. Encouraging Annie’s passions, as fleeting as they might turn out to be
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