
Legacy World 3.6 Hostages

She left when the moon hung high up in the sky. She ran without stopping. The moon eventually descended and the sun took its place by the time BaiXue reached the rock dwelling.

While BaiXue dutifully reported all relevant information to FenFang, BaiXue caught the little changes in FenFang's expression that indicated some surprise and newfound understanding. 

/She knew that there was something fishy with that village. How? Why?/ BaiXue wondered to herself.

"So you know where his loved ones are held at?" FenFang clarified.

BiaXue nodded.

"Go. Summon MengYao and save the family at the right time."

BaiXue immediately took off to do as instructed without bothering to take a rest.

She needed to gain FenFang's trust as quickly as possible. She wanted to hasten her trip to the mountains.

After all these time, she had only found one other clue and it was at another coastal village with high rock formations. Similarly, it was embedded high up.

/Chosen at birth./

BaiXue could infer that this text was referring to the ones who were born able to change into mystical creatures. However, she refused to believe that this was all. It would not fit with the clue of "cultivation". If they were chosen, why would there be a need for cultivation?

She needed more clues and they likely lay somewhere high above ground.

Before she reached the village, BaiXue already blew the black flute.

Her estimation was quite good. It was night again by the time she reached. She waited near the village for no more than an hour and MengYao appeared.

MengYao saw the peaceful village from above and was slightly confused for the first time. However, knowing that BaiXue was the one who summoned him, he swooped down lower to check on the situation. BaiXue had not made a mistake thus far. Even FenFang had talked a lot more about her. BaiXue had earned his due respect.

The truth became clear once villagers caught sight of him. Everyone clearly converged to a certain hut. He watched them drag a man out and throw him forward. The man's eyes only regained some clarity when he saw MengYao. His eyes flashed with surprise but also anger. Within the next second, he changed into a white unicorn with a pale yellow sparkly aura. 

Although the unicorn was a land animal, he did not lose out to MengYao in air combat that badly. MengYao was holding himself back, because he did not intend to hurt a fellow mystical being, if he could help it. Whereas, the unicorn was someone who grew up fighting. Heswift and strong, and held his ground well. He jumped up high enough to reach MengYao and flew from point to point as if jumping off air itself.

With all the diversions and back and forth, it took awhile before MengYao managed to light the village up in black flames. 

Eventually, the unicorn could feel the heat from the blaze even though he was high up in the sky with MengYao. This made him go bonkers. If he was not successful in protecting the village, his family would be killed. If they were not killed, his family would starve to death. He had wondered before if he was perhaps being lied to and that his family was probably dead, but he did not want to take any chances with the lives of his loved ones'.

His roar sounded more like a desperate cry, and he charged at MengYao recklessly with renewed vigor. Anyone could easily tell that it was a suicide attack.

"MingYue!!" A familiar lovely voice made him freeze with his horn centimetres away from MengYao's chest.

He stiffly turned to the location of the voice and tears immediately flowed from his eyes. In a split second, he stood in front of the skinny girl in his human form. The girl collapsed into his arms and buried her face in his chest, with tears of relief.

It took him awhile longer to realise that an emaciated older couple was standing by the side, hugging each other and crying tears of joy and relief, while looking at him.

"F- F- Father...? M- Mother...?" The old couple nodded their heads and weakly hobbled towards him. He ran to them and hugged them.

"You've been strong. Your older brother would have been proud of you." His mother said.

MingYue shook his head. "I've failed all of you. I didn't manage to find any of you. I remained under their control."

"You only did that out of love and fear of losing us. They killed your beloved brother in front of you when you were so young. No one would blame you." His father comforted him.

"Yes, they killed my entire family too. Of course, it's understandable that you were afraid they'd kill me too." His lover joined in.

MingYue's eyes filled with hatred at those memories and he looked at the burning village. Some people had scrambled away in time. MengYao could have easily killed those buggers, but he wanted to let MingYue have a taste of revenge himself, and MingYue did as he expected. MingYue tracked down all the survivors and killed every remaining person off.

While MengYao and MingYue had been engaged in a fight, BaiXue had dashed off to the area where his family was kept. They were under a trapdoor that was very well camouflaged by grass, plants, and leaves. She had been waiting for the numerous people who were standing watch in various hidden spots to leave this area unguarded. She could have tried to take them all out, but she would not be able to guarantee not alerting someone nearby, and that would put the family's life at risk.

It did not take long for them to leave their posts to aid in the evacuation of the village. This was what helped a significant number of people escape the burning village.

When they left, BaiXue swept the ground with a kick to make all the loose leaves and plants fly. She rushed to the area that had the greatest amount of disturbance, felt around the ground, found a depression, then ripped the cover off easily. It was a small underground room, barely enough for three people to live in. She helped them out then guided them to MingYue.

Once she saw them happily reunited, she did not waste a second and left the scene earlier than MengYao did. She knew that her job was done. Even though BaiXue had left earlier than him, FenFang still received news of the success from MengYao, who made it back faster than her.

So, BaiXue's return in the noon was warmly received, especially by FenFang. FenFang gave her tasty fruits and delicious food to eat then told her to rest well. All BaiXue hoped was that she was finally close enough to get what she wanted from FenFang.

The next morning, FenFang was especially friendly with BaiXue again. So, Baixue responded in kind. Before long, their conversation ended up on expanding their territory.

"I've always wondered if I could save more villages than the ones we're already looking after."

"Aren't all the villages in this vicinity under our watch already? Are there more?"

FenFang looked at BaiXue for a good while with a smile that did not reach her eyes. It was as if she was assessing her. "...Yes. The villages I'm referring to are beyond the mountains."

[Oh! A crucial plot development.] BaoBao alerted her.

/I guessed as such. The original soul was weak, spending all her effort and time to go over the mountains to and fro... She unlikely had the time to continue exploring the area here in search for the bandits that killed her brother./

[Unlike her, you've already covered every inch of the land here. Yet there's still no sign of those bandits.] BaoBao was proud of how much stronger BaiXue was compared to the original soul.

/About that... She still doesn't trust me in the end./

[What do you mean?]

/I suspect that she's behind the bandit attacks. Yet she's not telling me anything about it./

[Are the bandits we are after under her as well?] BaoBao did not bother to question her suspicions since he was gradually learning from experience to trust her judgement for this kind of matters. 


[But we've already searched every inch of the land here...]

/Did you forget that she may have the ability to enchant the forest? We only think we've explored every inch of the forest./

[Ah! You're right! ... Sorry I can't break illusions...]

/It's not your fault BaoBao. Just focus on quickly figuring out the history of this world. I have a hunch that it has the answers to becoming much stronger than I am currently./

"Why haven't we crossed the mountains yet then?" BaiXue returned to her conversation with FenFang after pretending to be deep in thought.

"Oh my dear BaiXue, still as naive as ever even though you're so capable now. The mountains are treacherous. So far, none of those little girls dare to cross the mountains. I wonder if there will ever be anyone daring enough to cross it for me..."

"Me. I will do it."

"Oh my. I'm really touched by your intentions but you have to understand that it's really treacherous. I'm concerned about your safety." FenFang's concern for BaiXue sounded sickeningly fake to BaoBao.

"Don't worry. I can do it. Let me go." BaiXue insisted.

FenFang looked to be deep in thought before she said, "Are you sure? Absolutely sure?"

BaiXue nodded firmly.

FenFang then smiled gently and told her to be careful.

BaiXue felt liberated. Before, she had to match her return to FenFang's dwelling according to the foxes' speed. However, since she was crossing an unknown territory now, she could take as long as she wanted during her exploration and FenFang would not find it fishy. 

BaiXue made her way to the mountains with great anticipation, as plans began forming in her mind. 

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