
Legacy World 4.8 Vlad's Panic

BaoBao recalled Vlad's first tip to Vanora. [There IS one other efficient way. Vlad mentioned the wrath-related emotions within you.]

/Indeed. I want to leverage on this. It would make it less dependent on external sources which means a more reliable source of power./

[Wouldn't this call for a precise control over your emotions?]

/It seems so./

[But what sort of emotions fall under wrath? I wish I could be of more help but...]

/BaoBao, isn't that why you're learning now? This way, at least you'll be of help one day./

BaoBao felt a warm and fuzzy feeling in him. [Yes! I'll do my best!]

/Now... I think emotions like vengeance, anger, hate, and hostility should be wrath-related.../

BaoBao imagined Vanora as some angry evil women but just could not form the image in his head. [Uhhm... I can't picture you that way...]

Vanora laughed a little at how simple and straightforward BaoBao thought. /I'm pretty sure the same emotions can be exhibited and experienced in different ways. I'll find my way around it. Now, about the fight I had with Vlad... Besides the hellfire, there was something else going on at the time I got desperate./

[You mean when your eyes glowed golden and you punched the ground after that?] BaoBao excitedly recalled the scene.

/Yes. It was like something told me to punch the ground at a specific spot. It did get me out of the pinch but Vlad was just too strong. Even then, I just... KNEW how to bring Vlad down. But the solution worked against my goal./

[Mutual destruction?]


[Sounds like some sixth sense or animal instinct to me. Is this something you can use at will?]

/Not for now, at least./

[Could it a conditional ability?]

/Conditional ability?/

[An ability that only activates when certain conditions are met. We systems know of several abilities like that.]

/What you you guess is the condition I need to meet then?/

[Probably a sense of danger.]

Vanora reflected on how she felt at that time. /I'll see if Vlad knows anything about this too. If it's really as you say... I'll need to fight to hone this ability. As for my hellfire.../

She pointed her index finger towards the sky, then visualised the hellfire as her spiritual energy leaving her body through only her finger. The fire flared at full power and danced around her finger haphazardly. Cultivation and use of spiritual energy had always been an all or none phenomenon. Therefore, the precise control she needed now was something new she had to learn.

/I'll keep working on this whenever I can./

Having reached the end of their review, Vanora got out of the hot spring and dried herself with the towel hanging on the rack.

While she dried her hair in the area before the shower, she caught sight of herself in a full length mirror beside the doorway. She lowered her hands and took the time to properly assess the condition of her body. She may be slightly malnourished but the original soul really did a good job staying fit. She still had her muscles. However, it only appeared well-defined due to the lack of fats and extra meat any normal well-fed person would have.

[Ah! Cover your-]

Before BaoBao could finish his sentence, the wooden door slid open roughly. Vlad stood in the doorway with an anxious expression that quickly turned to one of surprise. There, he stood frozen at the sight he was greeted with. Vanora had turned halfway around in reaction to him bursting through the doorway. She still had the towel hanging around her neck which nicely covered her small underdeveloped breasts. Everything else was exposed for his eyes to feast on.

He closed his eyes that hung open and his eyes darkened with desire. Step by step, he slowly advanced towards her. Her expression remained unreadable while she calmly reached for the new hair clip that he had brought in earlier. The moment her fingers curled around it, she threw it at him. It flew as fast as a bullet but Vlad caught it easily between his fingers. It successfully stopped Vlad in his tracks. He lowered his hand from his forehead and stared at her with a wistful look in his eyes.

"Out." Vanora's order sounded calm but stern, like she was training a dog.

Vlad closed his eyes then sighed deeply. He obediently turned around but only to sit down where he was. "You took too long. I got worried." He grumbled.

Vanora could tell that he was sulking. She could easily picture the little pout he likely had on at that moment.

"I was enjoying the bath. What did you think could happen?" She said nonchalantly while she lightly stroked the set of clothes he had brought in for her. It was a skimpy black pajamas that was silky smooth to the touch. It had to be made from high quality materials.

"I don't know. Maybe you fainted out of exhaustion? Maybe you foolishly took a nap only to drown inside? Someone broke in and kidnapped you? Anything could happen."

Vanora sighed. "What's with your paranoia? Are you secretly some old dying grandpa?"

"I can't help it..." Vlad's voice became as soft as a whisper. "My mind just gets filled with the different ways you could die..." The way he hunched over made his back look despondent.

Vanora felt sorry for him. Before his lustful side took over, she knew that he was being sincere. She had caught the every changing expressions on his face. "Hey. I'm fine, aren't I? You saw me in all my glory, didn't you? Enough proof?"

"... Yeah..." He said softly.

Vanora was done dressing by then. She walked past and headed towards the low mahogany table by the window. Vlad's eyes feasted on her exposed back, shoulders, and legs. /Damn. Didn't I buy something decent? How does she still look so enticing?/

He shot up then faithfully bounded after her.

"That cup of tea is for you." Vlad slid the cup to her after she got comfortable.

She found that the tea actually smelled good so she took a sip. Her eyes slightly widened in surprise to find out that it tasted as good as it smelled.

"You like it?" His eyes were wide in anticipation. When Vanora nodded, he smiled brightly.

"Is this some premium quality tea or something?"

"Well... You could say that." 

"Why didn't you make a cup for yourself?"

"It's my turn to bathe now." Vlad shrugged as he replied. 

While waiting for him to return, Vanora played with her hellfire again. She stuck out her index finger and tried manipulating the flames to form a slightly spherical shape above the tip of her finger. It took her awhile to get it slightly stable. It now looked like a quivering small fire ball just short of exploding. While keeping her index finger aflame, she moved on to "light up" her middle finger, then her ring finger. 

Just then, she lost control of the flames and her entire hand light up with her hellfire. The table got caught in the sudden flare and it blazed as the fire consumed it. As soon as that happened, Vanora reflexively recalled the flames back into her body.

She stared at the singed table top. /I hope he doesn't have to pay for damages./

"Don't worry about that." A deep voice sounded out right behind her and made her jump.

[Sorry, I didn't dare to disturb you earlier... He was done really fast.] BaoBao sounded very apologetic.

/No. You did the right thing, the flare may have been worse if I had been interrupted. It really is dangerous to play with fire indoors./

While Vlad made his way to the cushion across from her, she observed that his hair was still barely dried and there was still water dripping off the ends of his black hair. 

/He rushed back here?/


While Vlad dried his hair with the towel, she noted how his black pajamas was a lot more decent than hers. His arms and legs were covered up. The only revealing part was the V-neck that dipped halfway down his abs. His exposed chest stood out even more as his fair skin was a stark contrast against the colour of his pajamas.

"Does your offer still stand?" She asked out of the blue. 

"What?" He paused in his motion.

"To bring me to places where I can fight and become stronger."

"Of course! Just tell me when and where you want to go!"

"For that, do you have any recommendations? I was thinking about our fight while I was in the bath earlier and-"

"Do you never rest?" Vlad frowned and his shoulders sagged. 

"... Believe it or not, I'm resting plenty ever since I met you. Now, I'm really raring to start my training." Vanora said with the tip of her eyebrow beginning to twitch in annoyance.

/Perhaps it's less efficient than I thought to have someone like him as my mentor./

Vlad noted the change in her aura. Orange gradually mixed in with the ever-present red. He lowered his head apologetically. "Sorry, I was just worried you weren't getting enough rest. Earlier, it was only I who napped, right?"

"... I'm fine." Her voice sounded much softer than before. Similarly, her aura reflected the change in her tone.

"Is this about something else you noticed happen during the fight besides your hellfire?"

Vanora looked pleasantly surprised. She did not have to go into lengthy details after all. "Yes."

"Let me guess, it felt as if you just magically knew what to do during desperate moments?"

"Yes. How do you know?"

He raised his head to look at her again and pointed to his eye. "When I use my power from the sin of sloth, I can see people's powers and predict what they'd probably do. This is one reason why I said that I know all. Now do you get an idea of how many powers could possibly exist? It may take forever before you know every single power there is to know of."

"I see... But the powers of each sin do share some base characteristics?"

"Yes, they do. Powers of lust centers around manipulation of the mind or emotions. Powers of greed centers around hoarding and stealing. Powers of envy centers around jinxes, hexes, and curses. Powers of gluttony centers around devouring. Powers of wrath centers around the enhancements and battle prowess. Powers of pride centers around obedience. Powers of sloth centers around making life simpler or easier. For example, the innkeeper here has the power to see what others desire."

Vanora got lost in thought, then mumbled, "Doesn't seem like there is a lot of value in learning all the powers there is to know."

"There isn't. You should just perfect your powers so that no one else can defeat you. Oh and be adaptable." He propped his elbow on the table then rested his chin on his fist to gaze at her charmingly. "Which you are VERY capable of accomplishing."

Vanora was no longer fazed by his straightforward and bizarre nature , so she continued to converse naturally. "In that case... Wouldn't fighting the angels be more helpful? I would learn more about their powers and help the war."

Vlad thought seriously for a while before responding. "If you still want my recommendation, I'd suggest you start with fighting the lesser demons."

"Why? Won't that reduce the resources or personnel that would otherwise be used for the war?"

"It's fine. Their strength won't amount up to much in the war anyway. The angels would finish them off easily."

"Well, if you say so..."

"Also, you don't need to fight the angels to know their powers. I can tell you about it. Angels have powers of the sun and light. It is employed either through prayers or through their weapons. Those that bear weapons are warrior angels, they tend to be a little more ruthless and decisive. All angels have a divine protection against some of our powers, usually its against any power that would influence or devour them."

Vanora nodded. "About my other awakened power, do you know anything about it?"

"You could understand it as an enhanced gut instinct. Your brain processes far more information than you are consciously aware of, you're only aware of the result. The more you hone this ability the less you have to depend on the situation for it to appear. For example, if you master the skill, you could even judge when I'd probably make a move on you or where in the room would put you in a safe place from me." He grinned mischievously. 

"Now, wouldn't that be useful." Vanora smiled back coldly.

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