
Chapter 128: incommunicado

Her words struck Klaus like lightening, amongst the many emotions, confusion was most prominent but before he got a chance to ask the presence of someone stole their attention.

“Uhm mm, sorry for interrupting” Emily announced seeming rather awkward and not a second later their ambiguous posture was broken.

“It’s okay, he was just leaving” Bella’s words broke the ice and her hidden meaning wasn’t missed by Klaus. His eyes took a long glance at her before leaving.

Just then Melissa stepped out of her apartment, she only caught the retreating car as she approached Bella’s place.

“Just the person I was looking for”

Her voice stole Bella and Emily’s attention but only Emily had a cheerful expression, on the other hand Bella’s emotions were in shambles. She could bet Melissa was about to ask about Arya and she was exactly right.

“Have you seen Arya? I’ve been trying to reach her all evening”

Emily also instinctively turned to face Bella, she had the same question but she couldn’t gu
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