
Chapter eighty six: I know it all

Arya’s POV

The cold glint in his eyes were unmistakable, freezing Anna’s gaze while I took the opportunity to rise to my feet. On any other day I would’ve walked away but not today. My emotions were in shambles and I wasn’t gonna suck up this humiliation.

Immediately I gained balance, I struck a slap across her cheeks, leaving my imprints as a testament of my benevolence. Her face whipped to the side from the unplanned force while the look on my face remained calm.

My eyes sparkled at the pretentious tears rolling down her cheeks and I’m sure as hell she would’ve retaliated if it wasn’t for the presence behind her. And as though someone announced ‘let the show begin’ she moved towards the man she believed to be her knight in shinning armor and began her display.

“I think I’m bleeding...Mr. Lucious this is the ugly side of our family I never wanted anyone to see but now that you’ve seen it, I’m truly sorry. My previous actions were just to defend myself...please don’t take it out o
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