
Change of Direction Prt 3

Who knows? I don’t think I ever will. I don’t think I will ever find the ability to forgive him for it either, even if it was all in the fate’s crazy masterplan.

Maybe I’m trying to find a reason to justify all of this because I was always taught that the fates are never wrong. They always have a purpose for everything they do, even if we can’t see it. Even leaving lonely little girls as unseen shadows in homes for unwanteds, and then showing her a light of hope before crushing it in her face and throwing it far away.

I don’t dwell for long. I know if I do, the bitterness, the sadness, and anger, it starts to consume me and destroy my mood. I have to move and find somewhere to settle tonight, before the dark moves in, and I want some hours of daylight to properly set up my bed, find leaves and dried grass to pad it first. It’s become a ritual daily to help keep me sane. One thing I’m finding is instrumental to my mental well
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