

Sue leaned against the seat in front of Brian. “Ya know, I was jist recallin‟ a time when I first rode the mighta rails. It was the summer o‟ 1869. Oh wait. That ain’t right. That was when I git me wisdom teeth pulled. Look in me mouth. Nit a single wisdom tooth a left, but that process, it sor did hurt me a somethin‟ awful. That dentist didn‟ give me anything.‟ No alcohol or nothin‟. I ain’t never filt a pain like that befor an‟ hope I won’t „gain. Thank goodness, that be over. Anywhoo, what was I a talking‟ „bout. Oh I „member. The first time I rode the rails. I was a wee lad like yoself. Shoo, son. Ya looking‟ like ya could be thirty. No more than thirty-one. How ol‟ ye be ya anyway?”

“Who cares?” Brian was irritated. “Leave me alone. George, maybe we should sit somewhere else.”

“Oh no,” Gloria quickly gasped. “I git a run in me stockings‟.” She bent over and lifted the hem of her dress up to her knee.

Brian and George turned around to watch.

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