
Little things

The moment Becky realized the question that had popped out of her mouth, she wished she would just erase to it at once, to wipe it out of Azariah's mind but then, that happened to be a failed attempt, and that was quite ridiculous, more than the actual word itself. As she braced her mind from these thoughts, she decided to leave considering that the man in front of her had this typical weird look that is alarming, more than the word itself. 

As she pushed her leg forth making it her first movement, Becky was shocked when the young man's large palm swirled around her small hand. She felt the shock penetrate through her entire body, and for sure, that was enough shock apart from the fact that she brushed it away, more than she could actually even think about it.  

The next minute, Becky was in Azariah's arms, as close to his chest as possible, that was warming and as well as relaxing, and she kind of love what she saw in the man'a eyes, apart from the fact that, sh
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