
Chapter 49: Track The Missing One

Later in the day after the information breach was contained, I called a meeting in the conference room and invited all members of the IT department and the chief officers from each department. I had my wife and Carlo sit beside me while I conducted the meeting.

As everyone settled into their seats, I stood up and said, "Good morning, everyone. I have an important announcement to make. As you all know, the recent breach in our information system caused significant harm to our reputation and finances. I want to make sure that this never happens again."

I continued, "With that in mind, I am proud to announce the appointment of a new Chief Information Officer for the IT department. Carlo, would you please come forward?"

Carlo looked surprised as he made his way to the front of the room. I then said, "Carlo had played a crucial role in resolving the recent breach. I have full confidence in his leadership abilities and am certain that under his guidance, the IT depart

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