
The Truth

Alejandro Pov...

What happened to Alison is an eye opener to me and I can't let Windle to protect and keep Georgina. It's the last thing he would do! He needs someone better who can reciprocate his love. Georgina is a twisted woman. How can you say you love someone else when you are hurting them?

I can see the hurt in his eyes when Dwight almost kill her, but I won't let him. I will kill Georgina myself. She will never mess with my family again. This will be the last time she will trample anyone of us!

I watched Windle leave before I turned my car to follow Dwight just in time the police arrived. I have to give my statement before leaving as well.

My mind was immediately drawn to Dwight and Alison. I hope Alison is fine, but every time I think of the impact her body receives on how they hit her hard. My body shivered, grasping for air. My sister should not suffer all of this. It's just because of her fucking love towards Dwight her life becomes a punching list of unwanted crimes.
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