
Episode 33

Selena's POV:

The boat ride with Yarrow was far from pleasant. As a wolf, I had a strong aversion to water transportation, and the constant rocking of the small vessel made my stomach churn. I clung to the sides, my knuckles white, and prayed for the journey to be over soon.

After what felt like an eternity, Yarrow tapped me on the shoulder. "Selena, wake up. We've reached the sea port."

I opened my eyes, blinking against the bright sunlight. As I stumbled out of the boat, I found myself standing before a massive rock formation that seemed to stretch endlessly in either direction.

"Is this the Clave?" I asked, my voice hoarse from disuse.

Yarrow nodded, his eyes fixed on the towering wall of stone. "Yes, this is the City of the Unknown."

I frowned, scanning the barren landscape. "Where do people live here? And are you sure Mia and Luke won't find us?"

Yarrow placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "Be calm, my dear. You will soon discover your true self."

He approached the center of
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