

"Wow." Aisha said munching on her meatpie. They were in the school cafeteria eating. "He's handsome alright."

"Yeah. And that was why our damsel here has fallen in love". Jamila said grinning.

Zainab has been annoyed with them lately.

"Look guys, for the last time, it's just a crush. I'll get over him sooner or later." She said.

"I hope so, and you better make a move or else Maryam will snatch him in just a snap of her fingers." Jamila said.

"Yes, I've noticed too. She's been clinging to him like a leash." Aisha said. "Uh-oh, here he is, and he's coming over here." She squeezed Jamila's hand and she shoot her a glare.

Zainab turned and their eyes locked. Hazel brown met honey brown. They kept staring at each other until Jamila cleared her throat and spoke.

"Um... hi, you are the new boy in our class jss3 right?"

He smiled and scratched his nape. "Yeah, I am. I'm looking for em...Zainaab Abdulkareem?"

Zainab liked how he called her name with a drawl, with the touch of British accent. When he spoke was to die for, she thought.

"Oh, there she is Zainab Abdulakareem." Jamila said. "By the way I'm Jamila, and this is Aisha." She then pointed Aisha with her thumb.

"Nice to meet you two. I'm Isma'il Mahmoud." He said looking at Zainab. He then sat down on the chair opposite her.

Zainab sipped her drink avoiding his gaze and then spoke.

"Hi. You were looking for me?'

"Yes. I'm just having problem with this balancing method, and I was told you're really good at it. Think you can help me?" Isma'il said.

"Yeah, sure." Zainab said.

"So I'm having problem with this," Isma'il said pointing at a certain question with his pen.

"Ok." Zainab said. She turned to her right and saw empty seats. I'll deal with them later,she thought.

"They just left." Isma'il said.

Zainab smiled as he handed her the pen to solve the question.

"It's so easy to find the x". She said. "Here, you solve the other question."

Isma'il solved the next question and the other.

"You got it right!" Zainab said beaming. "Congrats!"

"Thanks for your help tutor." He said.

"Anytime." She said.

"So, are you friends with Maryam?" He asked.

"Yeah. Anything wrong?" She tried to keep a neutral expression. Why would he talk about another girl?

"No, just asking. Um... can i have your number please?"

Should I? Zainab thought.

Yes you should. A little voice said to her. After all you like him and one day you can confess to him.

"Sure." She said and he once again handed her the pen as she scribbled the number at the back of his book.

"Thanks. Isma'il said smiling his killer smile. "See you in class." And with that he left leaving a lovesick Zainab behind.

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