
052 - Venom


“I heard him, but I want to make sure nothing will happen in a couple of hours or so,” I answered him.

“Luna,” Blade’s Beta Female spoke, and I tilted my head up to look at her. Her eyes were puffy, and I was sure she was the one crying hard earlier. “I can call the infirmary for a request for a blood transfusion in case she loses too much blood. But I don’t know her blood type.”

I looked at Patrea, and she shook her head as well. “I don’t know. I know mine, but…” She didn’t continue, but I knew what she didn’t want to say: that Althea and her having the same blood type was a 50/50 chance as they were not related.

“Blood transfusions take time,” Adan said. “It is faster if we can have her drink blood instead. I suggest Blade’s blood. It’s the way of the wolves, but I am not sure how it is for witches.”

“Witches drink blood, too,” Lucius said.

“Not light witches. I do now because I’m part demon. This is a dark act because blood would strengthen the power of the witch,
Cassandra M

Here's for tonight. Thank you for waiting! Thank you for all the gems and comments, please keep them coming 💖

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Comments (9)
goodnovel comment avatar
This is giving me Twilight vibes :)
goodnovel comment avatar
I hope Blade's blood will save Althea and his mark removes Alas's mark & venom from her body
goodnovel comment avatar
Fingers crossed that she survive. I am really hoping for the best.

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