


Five minutes later, Michael arrived and he parked his car outside. He was wearing his polo shirt and pants because he came from his work. He approached Hailey and kissed her on the forehead which surprises her. 

"Please come inside Sir Michael. Would you like to take coffee or something?"

"No thanks! It won't take too long. I just wanted to pay you a visit, nothing more and nothing less!"

"Oh come on, it is really embarrassing that I did not even give you something!"

"Okay fine, give me a beer if you really want to!"

"Let us go inside and I will ask our bartender to prepare a cool beer for you!"

Hailey and Michael went inside the kitchen and Hailey talked to the bartender. 

"Please prepare a cold beer for our very important visitor! He is experiencing challenges in his life right now so he needs to breath some fresh air and he needs to forget about everything for a little while!" she stared at Michael and smiled. 

"The same goes with you, I know you've carry a lot of problems in your shoulder too!" Michael said, giving her a sweet smile.

"Would you like to go to my room and drink there or would you like to have a nice talk inside the dining area?"

"Well! I am a shy type person so if it is okay to stay in your room for a little while!"

Hailey looked at the bartender. "You heard him! Please prepare the beer and some chips and deliver it to my room. Don't forget to knock first before entering inside!"

The bartender bowed down. "I will take note of that, Ma'am Hailey! Please wait for 10 minutes as I prepared everything!"

Hailey looked at Michael and they went to her room. Michael immediately locked the door. They went and sat on Hailey's bed. 

"So, what are we going to talk about Michael?" 

Michael suddenly put his arm around Hailey's shoulder and whispered. "I no longer find my wife attractive and all I want is to get rid of her!"

"I seriously can't understand why you wanted to get rid of your wife knowing that she is still pregnant!"

"It is easier for you to say that because you are not in my situation. Look, I did everything I could to save our relationship but she is the one trying to ruin it. We have been married for two years now and yet I really don't feel that she valued me. Her love for me fade away five months after our marriage!"

"Did you already open up your problem with her?"

"Yes I do and she said that I am the one who changed. She said that I have no more time for her and all I am doing is to work and work!"

"I understand where you are coming from but your wife is pregnant so you need to endure it for the mean time. Separation is not the necessary solution for this problem. If you want, I can talk to her about this!"

"Thank you Hailey but I don't want you to be involved in this kind of complicated situation. This is something personal for me. And there is one thing that I am really concerned about!"

"And what is that?" Hailey asked again. 

"Please do not try to tell this to everyone because I know this is embarrassing but me and my wife are no longer sexually active anymore which is so fucking weird!"

Hailey looked surprised that Michael would open up a topic like that to her. 

"Really? Why not? You are not that ugly and you have a charming face and nice built of body. Maybe she is just pregnant that is why she avoids having sex!"

"No! I think there is more to it that I know. That is one of the reason why I am here!"

Suddenly, a knock on the door interrupted their conversation. Hailey stood up. 

"Please wait for a while. I am going to open the door. That's probably the bartender knocking!"

"No! I think I should be the one to open the door. Just sit still and let me do the favor!"

Hailey sat on the bed and then Michael opened the door. He took the tray with beer and then he went and put it on the table. He went to the door and locked it again. He stared at Hailey and asked. 

"Come and sit beside me. I've got a lot of stories to tell you!" he said, smiling at her.

Hailey dragged her feet towards Michael who pulled out a chair and let her seat. 

Michael started drinking the beer in a glass and then he almost empty it in just one drinking. 

"Fuck! You are so greedy! Why did you do that?"

"I don't see anything wrong with it. Would you like to drink as well?"

"No! I don't drink beers!"

"That is good for you. Anyway, I really like its taste. As a matter of fact, this is the only first time I have taste a beer like this!"

"Gosh! Of course my dad is a heavy drinker as well and all the beers in this mansion are quite expensive!" Hailey said in a bragging way. 

"Hailey, this is regarding me and my wife again... she does not want to say the reason why she avoids having sex with me!"

"Maybe because she is pregnant!"

"Hailey, whether you are pregnant or not, you can still have a sex with your partner!"

Michael's hand crawled on Hailey's legs and he looked at her. 

"Hailey, you are way beautiful than my wife and I wish I knew you from the very beginning. You are the girl that I wanted to marry!"

"What?" Hailey said, and she knitted her forehead in confusion. "What the hell are you talking about? I thought you came here to-"

Michael interrupted Hailey. "Shhh! Of course that is beside the point. Honestly, I have been dreaming of you and me in one bed. I wanted to feel the warmth of your body and I wanted you to suck my dick!"

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